Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back to School for the YW

For those who don't know, I work with teenage girls at church in a program called Young Women (YW for short). This year, the other leaders and I wanted to get them really excited for a new school year because everyone knows how excited teens are about returning to school! I found this idea on Pinterest which linked me here. This is how some of the items in the back-to-school kit we made turned out and what they looked like when we gave them to the girls today.

I used most of the original sayings, again found here, which were: 

Be a M&M Magnificently Marvelous Example: M&M (This one I changed a bit)
You are writing the story of you life... What does your story tell?: Pen
The decisions you make will effect you now and later: Now and Later 
Sometimes you will make mistakes...: Eraser
just remember the cleansing power of repentance: Almond joy
Be a smartie study hard: Smarties
Stick to you Values even when things get hard: Gum
Remember your great worth: 100 grand
It's important to Laugh: Snickers
Remember you are a daughter of God: Picture of Christ
Love your young women leaders: Kisses

I like to find amazing ideas online and recreate them sometimes making changes to make them my own. This idea came from this Pinterest link and I pretty much used it just how they did it. Please don't credit me for this idea because it was not my own. But they did turn out very cute, so thanks for the idea Holly Davis.

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