Monday, February 10, 2014

Kitchen Redo- Cabinet Doors

After we finished the part that was inside we put all our kitchen items back on the shelves and our kitchen became functional again albeit without doors, but I wasn't about to complain. The only thing we still couldn't use was the drawers. We moved our work outdoors. My husband cut and routered out the middle paneling of the doors. He actually found out that the entire back was just a piece of paneling. It took some work, but he finally just had the frames left. By this time we were both in such a hurry to get everything done, I didn't take very many pictures the way a good blogger should. Sorry, but I needed my kitchen put back together.

So fast forward picture wise to the part where the door frames were sanded...

Because we took off the back of the doors, we had to replace them with something. We settled on plywood. At the hardware store we found sheets of floor boards. We didn't know they were floor boards at the time, but that is what we used. We cut them to size, and glued them to the frame. 

The boards came with markings on one side of them, so we had to sand that off, and cut an angle to match the doors, and cut out the notches where the hardware went to connect the doors to the cabinets.

Again, with a lack of pictures, sorry, sorry, sorry. But once the back was glued and dried to the frame and the marks and words were all sanded off the back, we finally began staining the doors. Like with the skeleton of the cabinets in the house, we stained with golden oak and put polyurethane on top. This process took about 3-4 days just for staining the doors because we need to allow everything to dry before adding the next coat.

To see before and after pictures click here.
To see the sanding process click here.
To see the painting and staining process click here.
To see the mess click here.

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